논문 1,618건의 연구성과가 있습니다.

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  • Shrinking World, Expanding Religion? The Dynamics of Religious Interaction in the Times of Colonialism and Globalization [베를린자유대-보쿰대 컨소시엄 | Freie Universität Berlin]
    저자 : Marion Eggert (Free University of Berlin) | 게재정보 : Dynamics in the history of Religions between Asia and Europe 1권, 게재일 : 2011.01
  • Silencing the Culture of Choson Buddhism: The Ideology of Exclusion of the Choson Wangjo Sillok [一國 硏究의 벽을 넘어서: 朝鮮 코리아 연구에 대한 혁신적 글로벌 패러다임 | University of British Columbia]
    저자 : Sung-Eun T. KIM | 게재정보 : Journal of Korean Studies 
  • Sine-usu비문(碑文)과 P.1283문서(文書)에서 본 바이칼 주변 및 동몽골의 민족분포 - Cik과 국부(鞠部), Mug-lig(맥족(貊族))와 백습(白霫)을 중심으로 - [한국 고대사 관련 북방민족의 고유문자 표기자료 및 관련사료 연구 | 단국대학교(천안캠퍼스)]
    저자 : 박원길 | 게재정보 : 몽골학 
  • Single Parenthood, Parental Involvement and Students’ Educational Outcomes in Hong Kong [Korean Family in Comparative Perspective Laboratory (비교적 관점에서 본 한국가족 랩 프로젝트) | University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign]
    저자 : Cheung Adam Ka-lokHyunjoon Park | 게재정보 : Marriage and Family Review, 52권, 게재일 : 2016
  • Sociological Study of the Religious Non-Governmental Organizations in the Russian Federation and in the Republic of Korea [상트페테르부르크국립대학교 | Saint Petersburg State University]
    저자 : Elena A. Ostrovskaya | 게재정보 : Study of Religion ( , 게재일 : 2011
  • Some Tears of Religious Aspiration: Dynamics of Korean Suffering in Post-War Seoul, South Korea [Urban Aspirations in Seoul: Religionand Megacities in Comparative Studies | Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity]
    저자 : Jin-Heon Jung (Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity) | 게재정보 : World History Connected 12권 2집, 게재일 : 2015.06
  • Some elements of Korean literature tradition in «Green-deer group» poetry in relation historical background [상트페테르부르크국립대학교 | Saint Petersburg State University]
    저자 : A.A. Guryeva | 게재정보 : Proceedings of the Center For Korean Language and Culture , 게재일 : 2014
  • Some words about methodology of teaching a special course about modern Korean literature (on example of program of Korean philology major in St.-Petersburg State University) [상트페테르부르크국립대학교 | Saint Petersburg State University]
    저자 : Inna V. Tsoy(Saint Petersburg State University) | 게재정보 : Publishing House of the University of St.Petersburg 1권 15호, 게재일 : 2013.12
  • South Korea, Foreign Aid, and UN Peacekeeping: Contributing to International Peace and Security as Middle Power [국제화 시대의 한국의 성장: 국력, 경제발전, 국제관계 | University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee]
    저자 : Terence Roehrig(US Naval War College) | 게재정보 : Korea Observer Volume 44, Issue 4, 게재일 : 2013.10
  • South Korean Films about the Korean War, To the Starry Island and Spring in my Hometown [University of Michigan | University of Michigan]
    저자 : Andrew David Jackson | 게재정보 : Acta Koreana 16 2, 게재일 : 201312
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