논문 1,618건의 연구성과가 있습니다.

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  • Evaluating Translations of Korean Literature: Current Status, Rationale, Purposes and Opportunities [University of Vienna | Universitaet Wien]
    저자 : Andreas Schirmer(Universitaet Wien) | 게재정보 : Studia Orientalia Slovaca, 1601-1630. , 게재일 : 2013.01
  • Exploring a Method on Applying Suggestopedia to Teaching the Korean Language [SOAS | SOAS. University of London]
    저자 : Soyoung KimGwon Jin Choi | 게재정보 : Journal of Education & Culture 22 1, 게재일 : 201602
  • Exposure to Culture for Foreigners in the Reading Texts of Korean and English Textbooks [University of Vienna | Universitaet Wien]
    저자 : 김소영(소피아대학교), 최권진(인하대학교) | 게재정보 : The Central and East European Society of Koreanology 14권, 게재일 : 2013.01
  • External Crisis, Information Cue, and Presidential Popularity in Korea, 1993-2008 [국제화 시대의 한국의 성장: 국력, 경제발전, 국제관계 | University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee]
    저자 : WonJae Hwang(University of Tennessee), Junhan Lee(University of Incheon) | 게재정보 : Asian Survey Volume 55, Issue 4, 게재일 : 2015
  • Factors of the Image of North Korean Cities [University of Vienna | Universitaet Wien]
    저자 : Rainer Dormels(Universitaet Wien) | 게재정보 : In: Dongwoo Yim (ed.). (2014): North Korea Atlas. p. 18-30. 1권, 게재일 : 2014.06
  • Fashioning organics: Wellbeing, sustainability, and status consumption practices [뉴질랜드와 인근 지역의 한국학을 진일보 시키기 위한 혁신적 한국학 교육, 연구, 그리고 지역 내 협력 | University of Auckland]
    저자 : Yuri Seo | 게재정보 : Journal of Business Research 
  • Fate and the Good Life: ZHU Xi and JEONG Yagyong’s Discourse on Ming [Korean Philosophy in Comparative Perspectives | City University of Hong Kong]
    저자 : Youngsun Back | 게재정보 : Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 14권 2호, 게재일 : 2015.10
    This essay examines the Ru 儒 notion of ming 命, usually translated into English as “fate,” with an emphasis on the thought of two prominent Ru thinker...
  • Female outsiders in South Korea’s dual labour market: Challenges of equal pay for work of equal value [한국 불평등의 정치경제학: 국제비교에 의한 접근 | ]
    저자 : Sophia Seung-Yoon Lee | 게재정보 : Journal of Industrial Relations 
  • Final Notes on the Sadvitiyaprayoga [한국인의 사유구조:6-11세기 불교 문헌을 통해 본 인식과 논리 | 동국대학교]
    저자 : Eli Franco(University of Leipzig) | 게재정보 : Journal of Indian Philosophy , 게재일 : 2015.05
  • Floating Population and Demand for Movie Theaters in Metropolitan Cities [카자흐스탄 아스타나 내 한국학 보급 사업 | Nazarbayev University]
    저자 : 김인경 | 게재정보 : Hitotsubashi Journal of Economics 
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