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한국사회의 장례문화: 장례비즈니스를 중심으로

홈 > 연구성과별 자료검색
[연구사업]한국학 세계화 랩사업
세계화에 대한 로컬 에이전시와 국가의 대응: 비교론적, 초국가적, 그리고 디아스포라의 시각에서 보는 한국의 사례
· 사업기관Monash University
· 저자 Gil-Soo Han
· 유형단행본
· 저자Gil-Soo Han
· 출판사Springer
· 출판일20190522
· 미리보기file


  • 요약설명

    This book explores 21st century Korean society on the basis of its dramatically transforming and rapidly expanding commercial funeral industry. With insights into contemporary Confucianism, shamanism and filial piety, as well as modernisation, urbanisation, the division of labour and the digitalisation of consumption, it is the first study of its kind to offer a sophisticated, integrated sociological analysis of how the commodification of death intersects with capitalism, popular culture and everyday life in contemporary Korea. Through innovative analyses of funeral advertising and journalism, screen and literary representations of funerals, online media, consumer accounts of using funeral services and other sources, it offers a complex picture of the widespread effects of economic development, urbanisation and modernisation in South Korean society over the past quarter century. In the aftermath of the Korean “economic miracle” novel ways of paying respect to deceased kin have emerged using Max Weber’s concept of “pariah capitalism”, Gil-Soo Han shows how the heightened obsession with and boom in the commodification of death in Korea reflects radical transformations in both capital and culture.