검색결과 필터

연구성과물 53,117건의 검색결과가 있습니다.

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  • Ordinance No.6-Reopening of Public Schools; Private Schools; Race and Religion; Language of instruction; Curriculum; Teachers; School Buildings? [한국 현대교육사 사료 집성 | 서울교육대학교]
    Ordinance No.6-Reopening of Public Schools; Private Schools; Race and Religion; Language of instruction; Curriculum; Teachers; School Buildings? ...
    범주1교육법령 | 형식관보 | 한글저자군정장관 | 사료철명군정법령
  • Ordinance No.15-(Name of Keijo imperial University Changed to Seoul University; Name of the Confucian Temple, Kyung Won Changed to Sung Kyoon Kwan)? [한국 현대교육사 사료 집성 | 서울교육대학교]
    Ordinance No.15-(Name of Keijo imperial University Changed to Seoul University; Name of the Confucian Temple, Kyung Won Changed to Sung Kyoon Kwan)? ...
    범주1교육법령 | 형식관보 | 한글저자군정장관 | 사료철명군정법령
  • MGEDC No.352-Explanation of and directive on schools [한국 현대교육사 사료 집성 | 서울교육대학교]
    MGEDC No.352-Explanation of and directive on schools MGEDC No.352-Explanation of and directive on schools 교육 문헌 ...
    범주1교육법령 | 형식관보 | 한글저자군정장관 | 사료철명학무통첩
  • Ordinance No.35-Supervision and Administration of Hospitals Operated by Medical Schools In Korea [한국 현대교육사 사료 집성 | 서울교육대학교]
    Ordinance No.35-Supervision and Administration of Hospitals Operated by Medical Schools In Korea Ordinance No.35-Supervision and Administratio...
    범주1교육법령 | 형식관보 | 한글저자군정장관 | 사료철명군정법령
  • Normal Schools(사범학교의 지방 이관) [한국 현대교육사 사료 집성 | 서울교육대학교]
    Normal Schools(사범학교의 지방 이관) Normal Schools(사범학교의 지방 이관) 교육 문헌 현대 교육법령 법령 교육기회확대 ...
    범주1교육법령 | 형식관보 | 한글저자군정장관