B5_현대 한국사회의 계산적 민족주의: 21세기 정치,경제 민주화운동

홈 > 연구성과별 자료검색
[연구사업]한국학 세계화 랩사업
세계화에 대한 로컬 에이전시와 국가의 대응: 비교론적, 초국가적, 그리고 디아스포라의 시각에서 보는 한국의 사례
· 사업기관Monash University
· 저자 Han, Gil-Soo
· 유형단행본
· 저자Han, Gil-Soo
· 출판사Amsterdam University Press
· 출판일20230130
· 미리보기file


  • 요약설명

    Nationalism in a nation-state reflects its emergent structural, cultural, and personal properties at a given time. In the politico-historical context of South Korea and the globe, the fruits of the 1968 Revolution in France could not reach Korean society under its military regime and exploitative economic structure. This continued to frustrate the grassroots and especially social actors in South Korea, which eventually brought about the June Struggle in 1987 and the 2016–2017 Candlelight Revolution. Calculated Nationalism in Contemporary South Korea sketches Korean grassrootsʼ perception of their nation-state, national identities, and what they desire regarding the future direction of their nation-state. The grassroots have openly spoken out about their frustrations through political rallies and media. This book attempts to reflect the minds of Korean progressives regarding, in particular, the forcibly recruited Japanese military “comfort women,” Abeʼs trade provocation against South Korea in 2019, reunification, the 2016–2017 Candlelight Revolution, National Flag-carriersʼ struggles, and bullying at work.