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알렌 문서(1888~1923)는 1884~1905년 조선에서 의료선교사, 조선 관원, 미국 외교관으로 활동한 미국인 알렌(Horace N. Allen, 1858~1932)이 1924년 뉴욕공립도서관에 기증한 문서고이다. 이 문서고는 일기와 서신, 메모, 원고를 비롯한 개인 문서와 주한미국공사관 서류를 비롯한 각종 공문서, 지도, 사진, 신문 기사 모두를 포함한다. 또 동시대 서양인들이 남긴 자료 중 양적으로나 질적으로, 또 주제의 다양성 측면에서도 가장 우수한 컬렉션이다.

알렌이 정조와 의빈성씨의 일화를 소개하는 건(「서울의 어떤 실화」)

자료명알렌이 정조와 의빈성씨의 일화를 소개하는 건(「서울의 어떤 실화」)
작성자Horace N. Allen
자료문의건양대학교 김현숙 교수
기타2016년도 한국학진흥사업 선정 연구결과임.


알렌(Horace N. Allen)이 작성한 「서울의 어떤 실화(A True Story of Seoul)」이다. 내용은 다음과 같다. 150여 년 전 조선 국왕에게 아름다운 후궁이 있었다. 그녀는 매력적이고 총명하여 왕의 사랑을 받았으나, 왕의 총애를 등에 업고 권력을 휘둘러 관료들의 미움을 사고 다른 궁궐 여인들의 질투도 받았다. 어느 날 그녀가 갑자기 사망하였다. 슬픔에 빠진 왕은 궁이 잘 보이는 도성 안 높은 곳에 그녀를 장사지냈다. 왕이 죽은 후 그녀의 묘는 도성 밖으로 옮겨졌으나, 첫 매장지는 신성한 곳으로 여겨져 지금까지 잘 관리되고 있다. 그곳은 서울에서 가장 아름다운 장소 중 하나로 모든 외국인들에게 친숙하며, 그 옆에는 영국총영사관과 해관 본부가 있다. 한편 이 후궁이 죽었을 때 60년간 과거에 응시하였으나 합격하지 못한 80세 노인이 있었다. 왕은 그동안의 공부와 노력을 칭찬하기 위하여 그 노인을 묘지기로 임명하고, 매일 묘를 찾아가 그녀를 위하여 애도하였다. 이는 정조와 의빈성씨(宜嬪成氏)의 이야기이다.(이영미)

문서원문     [ 문서 원본 PDF로 보기 ]

A True Story of Seoul

Some 150 years ago the then reigning King of Chosun had a most beautiful consort. She was not the proper Queen but her charms of passion and her bright mind were so fully appreciated by the King that her influence over him was unprecedented. Her newest wish was law. And as she sometimes abused her great power and thwarted the schemes of officials she became an object of hate to the official class in general. While domestic jealousy was so great that a means of putting her out of the way was not difficult to find.
She died suddenly and the poor King was utterly frustrated with grief. As a compromise as solace to the King it was agreed that she should be buried within the city walls, where the mourning King could have her remains ___ near him. Accordingly a spot was selected on an elevation in view of the Palace, and an elaborate tomb was erected and kept in the best of order during the remainder of the King’s life. As he ___ ___ in his devotion. After his demise the remains were removed to a spot outside the walls, but the former burial ground has ever since been guarded as a place sacred to Royalty and the trees have been cared for till now it is one of the pretty spots of the city and is familiar to all foreigners as it adjoins the British Consulate General on one side and the Customs on another.
In connection with this incident another story is ___ for that is quite illustrative of the struggle for rank in this land of competitive examinations. (1열 결락) at a time when merit was the only qualification for success at a Guaga.
At the time of the death of the Royal lady, there lived an old man who had for sixty years been most assiduous in his attendance upon the Govm’t examinations, devoting his whole life to his ambition to become a gentleman and lift his family out of the ranks of commoners.
At last in his 80th year his six decades of patient study and ___ effort, ___ rewarded with the rank of ___ and be thought his life had just begun. He was appointed to be keeper of the Royal Tombs, but the Koreans have a proverb to the effect that “when long cherished ambition is at last gratified the troubles begin.” It was so in this case, for whereas the aged ___ thought that with his rank he had obtained a sinecure it turned out that he had fallen upon most arduous duties, duties in post that were not consistent with his age, for instead of having to be at his post once a year as he might expect, he was given charge of the tomb of the King's late favorite, and his Majesty’s devotion was so true and his grief so poignant that never a day was so stormy or busy that he remained away. He came daily. And sat by the tomb of his beloved. He inspected the grounds and grave daily and renewed orders for improvements, or betterments, so that the aged ___ soon make down under the stress of his labors and was compelled to resign his ___ carried on long delayed honor.
These stories so well rumored for may __ of interest or they ___ to a ___ our ___ and ever ___ us.

H. N. Allen